GTFS.org is the central documentation platform for the General Transit Feed Specification. This site and its contents are maintained by MobilityData and the GTFS community.
Thank you to Andrew Byrd for purchasing and lending use of the GTFS.org domain name and providing leadership for the community.
How can I contribute to gtfs.org?¶
Submit an issue or a content addition idea
The more ideas, the merrier! If you have an idea for how to improve GTFS.org's content or user experience design, open an issue on the GTFS.org repository.
Suggest a change with a Pull Request
To propose edits to the content, navigate to the page you want to change on GTFS.org and click on the "Edit this page" icon on the top-right of the page. The "Edit this page" icon will direct you to an editable page on the appropriate Github repository. You can then submit your edits as a pull request. 📝
Contributing translations
GTFS.org uses Simpleen, an automated machine learning translation tool, to ensure translations are kept up to date with repository changes. Since our priority is to keep translations up-to-date, any one-time translation contributions will be overwritten by Simpleen in the future.
We do accept glossary changes. Simpleen uses a glossary for key terms that are commonly used across GTFS.org, like trip or station. If you want to suggest a translation for a key term that should be applied across the entire site, you can create an issue on the GTFS.org repository.
Except as otherwise noted, the content of this site is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License, and code samples are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.
For more information, contact documentation@mobilitydata.org.